Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm back to normal size


I'm done with the postpartum checkup today...seriau gak bila jumpa Dr Magda utk cek stitch maklumlah fobia masih bersisa...and luckily xdak wat pap smear mcm time umar dulu...legaaa hahaha malas la nk kena seluk2 tuk amik sampel drpd rahim...

I'm very thankful to Dr Magda..foreigner gynae was not so bad..ramai msian yg xnak bsalin kt sini sbb kata arab doc ni kasaq dan apa2 lagi...for me i'm comfortable with her...and she is the first person yg hug and kiss my pipi after delivered..sedikit kejutan disitu..lebih pantas dr suamiku...hahaha..i'm this morning i'm saying good bye to her...hopefully i will not see her again this year n nxt year hopefully...hehe

Evrything is ok , my rahim pun dah back to normal, my current weight is 49.3 from 57kg during pregnancy! loss about 8 waist? x cek pun tapi seluar bfore pregnen semua dh bleh pakai..yippie and my belly?oh me oh my...still ada 'tanda lahir' azzam..lelemak degil ni makan masa jgk lah kan...but ummi xla risau sgt as long as ummi bf my baby...

Now my parent in law are here for 2 months..mingle2 with their two umar sgt seronok blk ade org manjakan dia...ummi few days lg baru nk abis pantang...x sabar..nak round2 bawa in laws tgk AD n dubai n 7 emiirates...dah lama x pergi bercuti2 uae...cuaca pun smakin sejuk mmg syok p window shopping...and dubai shopping festival just around the corner...i think i need to reveal my wishlist this year..abiy tlg baca nehh...

last but not least...tgkla aksi si abg..bila suruh sayangggg adik..dia akan cium kepala ekcelly dia geram kekdahnya...

abg kissing si adik...mcm xpercaya ank saya sudah 2!

bye2 frens..happy monday everyone!

nota ummi: nxt year dh 30, angka yg menyeramkan jugak...kwn2 yg anak baru 1 org, maybe this year time for 2nd?uhuks2 betui x izu?

6 sahabat ummi:

Anonymous said...

zah, congrats on your new born baby n ur back-to-normal-size-body. sgt jeles d situ, okeh. neway, aku jd silent reader je all this while. skang br rasa nak comment kat blog ko nih..
eh, aku link blog ko ni @ mine yek.

mommaholicSURI said...

Wah..cepat nyer turun 8 kg Zah. jelous tul Nuurill. Hihi :)

Ummu Umar said...

nurill-actually ku x naik badan sgt...betul2 naik tang perut ja... biasalah x dak pilihan makanan yg sedap2 kt sini..seriously msia mmg heaven dgn food..sini asyik2 makanan arab2,lebanon, makanan versi gulf ni aku x brp suke...

:: NieSha :: said...

tahniah zah dh ramping n slim melim ;)
bestnya dh nk hbs pantang..leh ler cuti2 AD ;)

Mrs. Ishamizu said...

haha btui3...kte lak relax kn...;)
Waa, bestnya chu, 49kg je?? aisey, nk weight below 59kg gak!tp mcm mn nk bjaya ni?:D

Nadiah Sidek said...

salam ummu umar. lama tak jenguk ke sini. sihat2 aje ye? kalau duk BF anak lg cepat turun berat bdn, kn? tak sbr lak rs nk pregnant lg :D


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